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Healthy During the Holidays

December 13, 2021 2 min read

Healthy During the Holidays

Healthy During the Holidays

As the year comes to an end, many of us take time to slow down and catch up with family and friends. We typically celebrate with friends & family while enjoying wonderful food and drinks. You can navigate the party and holiday season and still keep on track with your health & wellness goals by keeping a few key things in mind:

  • Have a healthy snack before you go out to eat or to a party. If you are not ravenous when you walk in, you will be able to make smarter choices about what you choose to enjoy while you are out.  Whenever possible, enjoy homemade foods and avoid items that come out of a package.  Packaged foods with long shelf lives typically have ingredients in them that do nothing to fuel your body.
  • Take an extra helping of vegetables to ensure that your plate is full of choices that will not only fill you up but will give you the energy you need to enjoy the company you are with. This is especially true if you are following a Vegetarian or Vegan diet. 
  • Allow yourself to enjoy what is being served by being aware of the size of the portion that you are taking. Everything in moderation is an old saying but continues to be true generation after generation.
  • Take the time to decide what treat you will enjoy and savour every bite! The treat may not be Low Carb or Keto-Friendy, but a few bites won’t undo your lifestyle. 
  • Remember to continue (or start) a regular exercise routine.  This can be as simple as going for a daily walk, walking in place while watching your favourite movie or as strenuous as a two hour workout at the gym. 
  • Avoid overindulging on alcoholic and/or fruity beverages.  Drink lots of water, sparking, flat, flavoured, straight up or on the rocks however you enjoy it.  

When the new year arrives and your routine is hectic once again, you can count on Honey Bee Meals for your healthy prepared meals delivered right to your door. 

Healthy Dessert | Gluten-Free Meal Delivery | Toronto Meal Delivery

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