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Vegetarian Meal Delivery

January 11, 2021 2 min read

Vegetarian Meal Delivery

Plant-Based Protein Sources

Toronto Vegan Meal Delivery

One of the main arguments against a vegetarian, vegan or Plant-Based diet is about protein: how/where do you obtain protein from plants and how do you get enough protein from these sources? 

Trust us: if NBA players and NFL players can perform eating a healthy vegetarian diet, so can you. Plus, you have us: we make prepared vegetarian meals in Toronto easy and delicious! 

Research shows that a diet that is abundant in plant foods is associated with lower risks of heart disease and lower blood sugar levels. Science also shows that it can help with weight management, reducing arthritic pain as well as possibly reducing the risk of certain cancers.

Here are some of our favourite vegetarian & plant-based protein sources - you will find these in our prepared vegan meals:

  • Lentils: At 18g of protein per cooked cup, lentils pack a protein punch plus fiber to help feed the good bacteria in our colon, promoting a healthy gut. We feature lentils in our Pad Thai Casserole & Mediterranean Bowl for protein, folate, magnesium, iron and antioxidants. 
  • Chickpeas: We love chickpeas so much we named a dish just for them! Our Garbanzo Greek Salad features this legume. With 15g of protein per cup, chickpeas are also an excellent source of phosphorous, potassium and manganese. 
  • Quinoa: Quinoa is an exceptionally good plant-protein source because it is considered to be a "complete" source of protein - meaning this grain has all of the essential amino acids (this is rare for plant-based protein, which is why having multiple sources is your best bet). With 9g of protein per cup, quinoa in our Buddha Bowl is not only tasty but good for you!
  • Hemp Seeds: We top many of our Power Bowls with hemp seeds not only for their delicious crunch but because they are also a complete protein source and pack 10g per ounce. Hemp seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that are thought to help reduce inflammation.
  • Green Peas: Often overlooked, green peas contain 9g per cup. We feature green peas in our Mac & "Cheese" (dairy-free) & our side dish for our Plant-Based Shepherd's Pie. Green peas are also rich in vitamin A, C, K, thiamine, folate and manganese.

Our delivered vegetarian meals can help make your life a lot easier and ensure you are receiving adequate protein for your lifestyle and activity. We compose our vegan meal kits to ensure that they contain a variety of important nutrients. Our power bowls are loaded with healthy carbohydrates, plant-powered protein and heart-healthy fats. We've got your vegan meal delivery needs covered!

Vegetarian Meal Delivery Toronto

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