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Quinoa / "KEEN-wah" / ˈkēnwä/

June 14, 2021 2 min read

Quinoa / "KEEN-wah" / ˈkēnwä/

Quinoa: How to Pronounce It &
Why We Love It!

Toronto Healthy Meal Delivery | Prepared Meals Delivery

Quinoa is pronounced “keen-waa” and is a delicious ingredient found in many of our healthy prepared meals.

Farmers cultivate over 120 different types of quinoa but the most common types available are white, red, and black quinoa. Quinoa is the seed of a plant and is categorized as a pseudocereal (a non-grassy plant). It is higher in nutrients than most grains and is a complete plant-based protein (meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids, which is more challenging in plant-based foods).  Unlike other grains, like wheat, oats and rice, quinoa is harvested from tall green plants. 

Quinoa is a trusted source of healthy, plant-based protein suitable for vegan, vegetarian and traditional diets. The proteins in quinoa offer a wide range of amino acids, which among other things are vital for supporting muscle development and immune activity.  It is also an excellent source of lysine, vital for the synthesis of proteins.

Quinoa has a high fiber content. Fiber can help reduce the symptoms of several health conditions while helping individuals maintain a healthy weight. Fiber helps us to feel fuller longer! Quinoa is also a good source of antioxidants and minerals, providing more magnesium, iron, fiber and zinc than many common grains.  

We love including quinoa on our freshly prepared meals. Quinoa tastes delicious and is a nutrient powerhouse. It contains vitamin B1, B6 and E, manganese, iron, folate, phosphorus, copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin quercetin and kaempferol.  Along with its’ protein content, quinoa consists of mostly carbohydrates and very little fat. 

We not only like what it can do for us but we also love its crunchy texture and nutty flavour AND it is also naturally gluten-free!  It is delicious, nutritious and versatile and can be found in our Mediterranean Salmon, Ginger Salmon and Shawarma Classic meals as well as our Plant-Based Mediterranean Bowl, Buddha Bowl and Rainbow Thai Salad. We love including quinoa on our menu of healthy prepared meals.

Try including quinoa in your meals. When preparing quinoa, be sure to rinse it prior to cooking to remove a natural coating calling saponin (which can create a bitter taste). Or leave the cooking to us and enjoy quinoa in our freshly prepared healthy meals delivered right to your door across the Greater Toronto Area.

Toronto Vegetarian Meal Delivery | Vegan Prepared Meals

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